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Photo of lone star tick on flower and white sans-serif type in upper left on dark orange background with event icon

Alpha-gal Syndrome Symposium

Have you registered for the Alpha-gal Syndrome Symposium? Event: Alpha-gal Syndrome Symposium Date: 5/30/2018 Time: 7:00 – 8:00pm EST Learn about “RED MEAT ALLERGY” caused by ticks and insects worldwide. What is Alpha-gal Syndrome? Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Patient’s Experience…

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Tiled hashtag symbols in bright colors

#AlphaGal, #Hashtag 101

Love to #hashtag? Good news! We’ve got you covered! Tip: Copy and paste these into your phone, tablet or PC notepad to quickly add to any post regarding Alpha-gal. #AlphagalSyndrome, #AGS, #Alphagal, #AG, #AlphagalAllergy #MammalMeatAllergy, #MMA, #RedMeatAllergy, #RMA #LoneStarTick, #LymeDisease,…

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